Litteratur om sang og corona
Bastholm, Liselotte. 2021. “Da fællessangen fik corona”. Tidsskriftet SANG (1-2): 88-98.
Baunvig, Katrine Frøkjær. 2020. “Forestillede fællesskabers virtuelle sangritualer. Forskningsprojekt vil kaste lys over den kulturelle betydning af den virtuelle fællessang under corona-tiden.” Tidsskriftet SANG (1) 2020. 40-45. [Forskningsprojektet præsenteres her. For efterfølgende artiklen se under Sørensen]
Borčak, Lea Wierød. 2022. “Transmedia Performance i skandinaviske Singalong Shows: Om transmediation af liveness og deltagelse i fællessang.” Words, Music, and the Popular Global Perspectives on Intermedial Relations, red. Thomas Gurke og Susan Winnett, 133-153. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Daffern, H., Balmer, K., & Bereton, J. 2021. “Singing together, yet apart: the experience of UK choir members and facilitators during the Covid-19 pandemic”. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 624474. Singing together, yet apart: the experience of UK choir members and facilitators during the Covid-19 pandemic
Djernes, Mads. 2022. ”Fællessang i coronaens tid”. Kritisk forum for praktisk teologi, temabladet Opbrud i salmeskatten, nr. 166, 2022. [Djernes’ sammendrag på egne observationer af, hvordan fællessangen har lydt i kirken under coronanedlukningerne sammenlignet med i hjemmene foran fjernsynet].
Foulkes, E. 2021. “An exploration into online singing and mindfulness during the COVID-19 pandemic for people with anxiety and/or depression“. International Journal of Community Music, 14(2-3), 295-310.
Grebosz-Haring, K., Schuchter-Wiegand, A. K., Feneberg, A. C., Skoluda, N., Nater, U. M., Schütz, S., & Thun-Hohenstein, L. (2022) “The psychological and biological impact of “in-person” vs. “virtual” choir singing in children and adolescents: a pilot study before and after the acute phase of the COVID-19 outbreak in Austria“. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 773227. Helding, L., Carroll, T. L., Nix, J., Johns, M. M., LeBorgne, W. D., & Meyer, D. (2020). COVID-19 after effects: concerns for singers. Journal of Voice.
Hansen, Niels Chr. (Forthcoming). ”Afterword – Coping through Crisis with Coronamusic”. Sounds of the Pandemic: Accounts, Experiences, Reflections, Perspectives in Times of Covid-19, red. M. Agamennone, D. Palma og G. Sarno. London: Routledge.
Hansen, Niels Chr. (forthcoming). “Music for hedonia and eudaimonia during pandemic social isolation“. T. Chemi, E. Brattico, L.O. Fjorback, & L. Harmat (Eds), The anthology: arts and mindfulness education for human flourishing. Routledge.
Hansen, Niels Christian. 2021. ”Når vi holder afstand bringer musikken os sammen”. Årsskrift 2021 Det Unge Akademi: 58-61.
Marstal, Henrik. 2021. ”Alene sammen, sammen alene. Medialiseret morgensang i coronakrisens første tid.” Danish Musicology Online. DMO. Særnummer: Musikkens fællesskaber 2021: 46-67.
Morgan-Ellis, E. M. 2021. “Like pieces in a puzzle”: online sacred harp singing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 746. [Anbefales].
Morgan-Ellis, E. M. (2022). “Virtual community singing during the COVID-19 pandemic”. American Scientist, 110 (1), 28-35. [Anbefales. Videncenter for sang har desuden oversat artiklen til dansk]
Price, S., Phillips, J., Tallent, J., & Clift, S. 2021. “Singing group leaders’ experiences of online singing sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a rapid survey”. Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing.
Sørensen, Jesper F., Katrine F. Baunvig og Peter B. Andersen. 2021. ”Håndvask og fællessang. Ritualer og ritualiserede handlinger i Coronaens tid.” Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, RVT, 72: 116-136. [For præsentation af projektet, se under Baunvig]
Theorell, T., Kowalski, J., Theorell, A. M. L., & Horwitz, E. B. 2020. “Choir singers without rehearsals and concerts? A questionnaire study on perceived losses from restricting choral singing during the Covid-19 pandemic“. Journal of Voice.
Zazzo, L., & Behr, A. 2021. “Classical singers and COVID-19: a preliminary report”. Journal of Music, Health, and Wellbeing.
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