Litteratur om sang og sundhed
Bonde, Lars Ole (2009). Musik og menneske – introduktion til musikpsykologi. Samfundslitteratur.
Bonde, Lars Ole, Stensæth, Karette, & Ruud, Even (2023). Music and Health – A Comprehensive Model. NOCKS.
Davidson, Jane W. & Garrido, Sandra (2015). Singing and Psychological Needs, in The Oxford Handbook of Singing. Oxford.
Fancourt, Daisy, & Finn, Saoirse (2019). What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. (Health Evidence Network (HEN) synthesis report 67).
Heydon, Rachel, Fancourt, Daisy, & Cohen, Annabel J. (red.) (2022). The Routledge Companion to Interdisciplinary Studies in Singing, Volume III: Wellbeing. Routledge.
Irons, J. Y., & Hancox, G. (2021). Singing (Arts for Health). Emerald Publishing Limited.Isaksen, Stine (red.) (2018). Fællessang og fællesskab – en antologi. Videncenter for Sang – Sangens Hus.
Kirk, Henning (2020). Godt nyt om gamle hjerner – om hjernens livskarriere og voksenlivets vækstmuligheder. Gyldendal.
Levitin, Daniel J. (2007). This is your Brain on Music. Plume.
Levitin, Daniel J. (2009). The World in Six Songs. Dutton Books.
Pentikäinen, Emmi m.fl. (2021). Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study. PubMed. Lokaliseret på: Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study – PubMed (
Poulsen, Louise Hübertz (2019). Inkluderende børnekor – inspirationskatalog. Udgivet af Sangens Hus og ADHD-foreningen.
Sacks, Oliver (2008). Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. Penguin Random House.
Skovgaard, Lasse (2023, under publikation). Sundhedskor – hvad og hvorfor?
Thaut, Michael (2007). Rhythm, Music, And The Brain. Routledge.
Vuust, Peter (2017). Musik på hjernen – hvad sker der i hjernen, når vi lytter til og spiller musik? Peoples Press.
Welch, Graham F., Biasutti, Michele, MacRitchie, Jennifer, McPherson, Gary E., Himonides, Evangelos (2020). The Impact of Music on Human Development and Well-Being. Front Psychol.
Zbranca, R., Dâmaso, M., Blaga, O., Kiss, K., Dascl, M. D., Yakobson, D., & Pop, O. (2022). CultureForHealth Report. Culture’s contribution to health and well-being. A report on evidence and policy recommendations for Europe. CultureForHealth. Culture Action Europe.
Andre referencer
Fondazione Mariani – English – Fondazione Mariani (
Nordjysk center for kultur og sundhed, Aalborg universitet, Nordjysk Center for Kultur og Sundhed – NOCKS – Aalborg Universitet (
Videncenter for Sang, find f.eks. temaer om børn, sang og sprog, sang i skolen og sang og sundhed:
Webinar om sang og sundhed 09.11.23. Sangens Hus
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